Our Success Formula

  • Professional talents and energies are concentrated on a few brands to ensure successful market positioning, packaging, and sales plan execution

  • A strong marketing and sales philosophy begins at the initial stages of consumer research and product development, and extends through the development and implementation of strong support programs for accelerated sell-through.

  • Our application of a multi-faceted sales approach to a market allows for comprehensive market coverage within various classes of trade.

    We provide strong support programs to ensure successful sell-through of key brands. These include:

    Monthly published promotions

    Co-op advertising

    Product demonstration programs

    Shipper displays

    Coupon programs

    We publish an annual holiday pre-book program providing substantial discounts for early orders during the fall holiday season. We tailor programs to the particular and individual needs of our customers.

  • What makes Source Atlantique different? Find out more here!

  • Learn about where to find products from our extensive catalogue of brands.

  • Click here to speak to someone about becoming a part of the Source Atlantique portfolio.